Wednesday, September 22, 2010

An Update...

Hi friends...

I'll just start out by saying this: If you're just looking for more photos, you can pass this post, it doesn't include any. :)

I just wanted to give you all an update on my crazy busy life...

I've got one more wedding to do next month and it's in VEGAS!!!! I'm a little excited as I've never been, and it's a good friend of mine who's getting hitched! (I've already got my 'Price Is Right' tickets booked!)

But other than that wedding, I'm officially done my wedding season! Silly me, I thought that would mean that my life would slow back down to normal speed, but alas, I have reached the target of officially being a 'full time photographer'..... ahhhh... that feels good to say. But I can't say it very long cause I've got so many things to get to! I'm currently finishing the editing of about 5 past weddings, as well as 3 photo shoots AND getting everything ready for the 'With This Ring Bridal Fair', in which I will have a beautifully stunning booth (thanks to my decorating mother!)


Oh yes, and I have also started ANOTHER job, which I love deeply... I've started teaching a preschool class! I went to college for my training a few years back and am finally using it and LOVING it! So... it's just an addition to my madly busy life.

I've learned a lot this past summer, now that my photography company is growing like a weed and my name is getting out there. It's such a blessing to be doing what I love. It really is.

So, in my near future, I've got many more family, child, and engagement shoots booked... as well as a few maternity shoots for previous brides of mine! How exciting!!! Once again, so blessed!

If you're out there in the vast blogging world, reading about my life, I'd love to hear from you. I so greatly enjoy meeting people who appreciate my work and passion. If you feel inclined, please leave a comment at the bottom of this post....

It's so strange talking to people who say they read my blog and I never knew it! But thank you! It means a lot to know that I'm not sending out these words into the unending, unread abyss of the blogging world.

Have a Happy Thursday! I'm off to be an assistant shooter at a wedding tomorrow! (Yes, on a Thursday!) A friend of mine is doing her very FIRST wedding and I get to share in the butterflies and jitters!


1 comment:

  1. And one more thing...
    Please contact me if you're interested in a fall photo shoot before the leaves are gone!
