Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Assisting the wonderful, Kai Smyth

Hello lovely blog readers... I sincerely hope your new year has started in a bright and cheerful fashion (aside from the frigid temperatures and ridiculous amount of snow :)

On my holiday break from work, I had an awesome opportunity to second shoot for a very talented and sweet photographer, Kai Smyth. We met out at the Red Deer Golf and Country Club on a chilly Monday afternoon and spent the day with some beautiful people. Kolin and Weronica (pronounced Veronica) were a delight to work with as was their wedding party. These two met while sailing and are currently living in Europe (which is where they met)...

It was a great day, getting to know everyone, even Kai! I had a great time and it was so fantastic to get out shooting again! Between the busy holiday season and avoiding the cold weather, it's been so long since I've been out with my camera... thanks Kai!

The following images were shot while second shooting for Kai Smyth. Check out her work at:

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh...Thanks Danielle! Awesome job...I love your work, & it was great to meet you too! Thanks for all of the help!
