Saturday, January 1, 2011

Looking back on 2010... and ahead to 2011

Good day all my fellow blog readers... I do hope you had a sincerely awesome holiday season!
It has been quite an amazing year for us and we are ridiculously excited to see what 2011 has in store!

Our holidays were like most others: stressful in the days preparing, but blissful as we spent time with both sides of our families and saw lovely friends as well. 
I also enjoyed 2 weeks off work (teaching playschool) and really got used to the laziness and free schedule, but also looking forward to seeing all my kids again and getting back into routine.

We hope you experience a fantastic year ahead and make many beautiful memories...

We've posted some photos from each wedding we did in 2010... take a look and let us know what you think...





The following 3 photos are of a special wedding I was a part of- my big sister and her love...
Congratulations again Lindsay and Dusty!

 Please feel free to leave comments below, or visit our facebook page to leave some feedback.
Our website ( was updated over the holidays, so take a look over there as well!


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